Transforming challenges into opportunities
It’s really crazy out there in the world today. That’s why now more than ever, holding on to hope is so critical. This course outlines the simple 4-Step process of generating and maintaining H.O.P.E. The interactive sessions will allow you to autonomously engage to get the most out of this course. This course will change the way you create H.O.P.E. for you and those around you in the world. Come see how you can change the world by transforming challenges into opportunities through the H.O.P.E. system.
Building confidence and ready to tackle your challenges.
Take control of the ups and downs in work and life to maintain stability through turbulent times.
Creating the space where you can re-discover H.O.P.E. and apply it in a different way to solve big problems.
Start every initiative with purposE - Every Day Starts with Why
Many of us live, work and play every day without really knowing what we want out of life, how we want to grow and what we want to achieve that truly matters. If you are like us then getting to know your “WHY” in this busy busy world filled with obligations and everyone doing something can be overwhelming. This course provides a simple 3-Step system that you will use in the course to determine your W.H.Y. Let’s start figuring out what truly drives you and change the way you look at your world.
Feeling better about you and more centered on what you do.
Greater focus on doing the things that matter most to you.
Creating the space where you can re-discover yourself and your true potential to help create change.
Leverage teams to solve problems - find the “I” in any team
Everyone talks about team work, the question is what about your effect on your team. Using this simple 4-Step system will ensure that you are your best for your T.E.A.M. The truth is that your T.E.A.M. needs you wether you believe it or not. This course will prove it ! Let’s forget the rest and focus on your ability be the best you for your T.E.A.M.
Empower yourself and your team to achieve more together.
Work to help find win-win solutions for your initiatives or organization.
Co-discover and implement real solutions that effect significant impact as a team.
Systematically find solutions
It’s not easy to face challenges at work or at home when there is usually little time to really tackle the problem and transform them into opportunities. This course will present a simple, yet effective 4-step system to quickly find and help the source of the issue so it can be addressed first to ensure success. This course will help you S.O.L.V. these every problems more effectively and get you back to your everyday !
Solve everything systematically with proven tools to find win-win outcomes.
Take control of complex challenges with easy to use steps that ensure success.
Work alone or run teams to effect change and impact others.
Open new paths with digitalization
Many companies are becoming more digital everyday. This transformation is happening and how you and your company implement it will dictate how competitive you will be in this new digital world. This introductory course will focus on what really matters when you transform paper to electronic - people. “Digimpowerment” is all about using technology to empower teams and associates to take control of their work day and spend more time on what matters most to them and your business. Don’t miss this game changing course and that can help change the course of your digital transformation !
Make real transformative change with digitalization.
Create new ways of working that significantly speed up business, research or any administrative practices.
Provide more time for you and others to focus on the things that matter to them rather than submit to manual non-value added activities.
Take a deep dive into this simple methodology to better listen to different opinions, observe responses, validate thoughts and empower action. Your have nothing to lose and everything to gain in applying this simple program to find solutions in your everyday challenges.
Generate real partners and strengthen any professional or personal relationships.
Create space to really listen and effectively empower others.
Take your problem solving skills to the next level by learning to incorporate anyone’s views in an effective manner.